Requesting accommodation in a Crous residence
When should you submit your request?
To request accommodation in a residence run by the Crous Toulouse Occitanie, put together your “Dossier Social Etudiant” (DSE) between mid-January and end of May.
Go to MesServices.étudiant.gouv
Who is eligible for this accommodation?
Crous accommodation is primarily aimed at students who receive a grant from the French state. If you are a foreign student on an exchange programme (Erasmus), enrolled on a Master 2 or PhD course, you are also eligible for a room in a Crous student residence. For more information, get in touch with the International Relations department of your host institution. Please note: CROUS residences at Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier no longer accept students enrolled on Master 2 courses
Finding a student residence run by the Crous Toulouse Occitanie
The Crous has a platform to help you find accommodation in a student residence - offers are posted as soon as rooms become available, but they must be vacated in time for the start of the following academic year.
Go to: Finding accomodation run by the Crous
You can also check out Find a student resident
Need help?
The Crous is available via the Accueil - Welcome Desk.
A partner of Université fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées, the Crous Toulosue Occitanie is on hand to offer advice all year round from Monday to Friday 9 AM to 12 PM. Crous staff can help you:
- put together your “Dossier Social Étudiant”;
- estimate whether you are eligible for certain grants;
- navigate the application procedure for requesting accommodation in a Crous residence.